Sweet, Sweet Memories!
Don't you miss Trick-or-Treat?
Those who have followed me for awhile may remember that Swiss Days and Labor Day Weekend is the "kick-off" to my holiday crafting season. To help get you in the mood for Halloween projects I am reposting a "sweet" post on Halloween candy. I first posted the following in October of 2011...when I had maybe a couple dozen followers. I did a lot of fun Halloween posts that year...so I may just be repeating a few more of them as the leaves fall and the apples ripen.
As soon as we got in the door with our bulging pillowcases of loot, the older...non-trick-or-treat...members of the family would pounce. We dumped the booty in the middle of the kitchen table and commenced sorting. Apples...no way! Popcorn balls...pretty good, but not quite there. The golden ticket, blue ribbon, cherry on the sundae...the prize of prizes...was the full-size candy bar...preferrably chocolate!
Vintage Candy!
I just took a little trip to the Candy Wrapper Museum to find the candy we all wanted to find in our Trick-or-Treat bags.
The following candies are from my childhood...some of which I had forgotten even existed.
What were your childhood favorites?
I thought using marshmallow was a waste of good chocolate.
Second best candy bar in the lineup.
Don't think I ever had one of these. Peanut butter is okay.
I know I never tried this one...no chocolate.
Did anyone else feel cheated when nickle candy bars became a dime?
Don't know if this is my era or not...the 5cents says it probably is.
Milky Way...the Holy Grail...to me...of chocolate bars.
Acceptable Substitutes
Gum is always good.
When I was little, I thought these were made from chickens.
These always got stuck in my teeth.
You chewed these one at a time until they went sugary...lol!
I was never sure what the deal was with these.

May all your Halloween memories be sweet ones!
Halloween is my favorite holiday. I took my trick or treating seriously. I loved when someone gave you the little bags filled with treats. I would never open mine to see what was inside till I got home! Loved Hershey bars with almonds snickers licorice m&ms. Hated Mary Janes, jaw breakers and hard candy!
I loved the Bit O Honey candy bars!! The only hard candy I liked was the Root Beer Barrels!! Love this post.....so sweet!!!
LOVE this post so much! I'm a candy addict. And one of my favorites is Sugar Babies. I eat them all the time! My favorite candy bar though is a Kit-Kat...a big one! lol
Oh! I love marshmallow stuff ! I really wish that Rocky Road bar (up at the top) was still around because I'd be all over that! LOL
Thanks Shirley! Boy I miss Trick or Treating! Erica :)
What fun! Love this post! Bring on all things Halloween. Kit-Kats are still my favorite. My grandmother kept a stash of them in her kitchen cupboard for when my sister and I came to visit.
Yummm I like so many of those! I love Kit-Kats! :) What a fun post! Happy day to you! xo Holly
What a fun post!
Oh yes, even after we moved away from Seattle, we would go back just for trick or treating! Then there was a big hoopla over supposed razor blades or LSD being put in the candy by the bad people so we stopped going. :(
I loved getting the fun sized candy bars the best! Baby Ruth, Butter Fingers, Three Musketeers, or my favorite- Nestles Crunch!
I always thought Chick O Sticks were made of chicken, too! I never could figure out why anybody would want to eat candy that tasted like chicken. LOL
I love Kit Kats and Twix bars!
Great repost! I still enjoy sugar babies! Fun Halloween images that you shared. When I went out the neighbors would give us fresh cookies, cider and popcorn balls! The good olde days!
Trick or Treat!!!
Deb :)
Oh, what a sweet post!! These are some great candies!! There is a local soda shoppe that sells all the original candies and sodas, which I love going to!! Growing up I loved skittles, and all the tart candies. But, now love the chocolate! xo Heather
Oh my! You have made me hungry! I loved BB Bats! Kinda like taffy on a stick. My mom would make popcorn balls and candy apples to give away for Trick or Treat. That was the days before so much menace during Halloween.
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