

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Vintage Advertising...some for things I love!

 Fun Vintage Ads
I felt a little bad that I was unprepared for a post today.  I could say the dog ate my homework, but that's so "Leave it to Beaver." These days the kids say their computer crashed and lost their report.  Then I came across some old advertising.  I love old magazines and looking at ads for products that don't exist any more.  But what about products we still love today...or at least the new and improved version.  Left is an ad for Converse sneakers.  My favorite shoes in the world are my laceless Chuck Taylors...especially the brown ones.  I'm on my fifth pair and always keep a new pair in reserve.

This Fiesta ad is for my sister Patti, who wishes you could still get 109 pieces for $14.95

This ad is for me and all the other Diet Coke fanatics.

This is for Steve Jobs because...well, because.

This is for my kids who always got to pick a box of "Birthday Cereal" on their special day.
My childhood favorites were Life and Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries.

Before Jack Sparrow it was the Cap'n.

My favorite car.  We had a Mustang when I was in highschool. 
My brother wrecked it the night of the Junior Prom.

Creepy little girl likes jam sammiches!

For all the Ginger kids we've known and loved!

Fun Advertising Find of the Day!

Remember how misleading the comic book ads were?
X-ray Glasses could see through women's clothing...yeah right!
Sea monkeys lived in pretty castles and did're kidding me!
These toy soldier ads are from 1955.  Surprisingly, they weren't too bad.
By coincidence I found the following a few weeks ago out thrifting...

The box is loaded with tiny ships, planes, soldiers and tanks.
My younger son will love these!

It's a Golden Day on the Wasatch Front! 
Enjoy your day, where ever you may be.


  1. Love this blog! Especially the Fiesta ware, and yes I do still wish i could get 109 pieces for $14.99. If I'm lucky I can find a vintage piece for $14.99!

  2. Love the creepy little girl! Ha-ha! ♥


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