

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sweet Swap Appreciation Day!

Belated...but sooooo appreciated!
I am so sorry for being among the last to thank my Valentine Swap partners for all the lovelies they sent my way.  I had so many crafting ideas for this fun red and white holiday...but Life and Winter's ills kind of got in my way.  I was kind of glad I only traded with three friends this time...I would hate to disappoint anyone. So...last the best of all the game?

Perfectly Printed...
Beautiful Valentine Chocolate Box.
My lovely partner was Chris of Perfectly Printed.
This swap was hosted by Erica of Golden Egg Vintage.

Chocolate Box detail...

So pretty...I told Chris I felt like a movie star getting this box. 

So many fun, vintage doo-dads and crafting materials.

I don't know how she fit everything in the all these wonderful things.

But my favorite thing of all...Vintage Valentine Zetta's Aprons letters!!
These will be on my Valentine's sidebar for years to come.  
Thank you, Dear Chris!

Tammy's In Love...
Tammy of Tammy's In Love is such a dear friend!
She made me this clown planter for my still-in-the-planning-stages Circus of Love!

So much cuter than Pennywise...adorable!

Tammy is so talented at card-making.  I am still a relative newby...but I'm learning all sorts of techniques from my blogging friends.

These laughing little ME girls will go on my friendship banner garland!

These pictures just do not do this snowman card book justice.
Each page is a work of art.
Thank you, Miss Tammy! 

Creative Breathing...
Sweet Elizabeth from Creative Breathing tells stories with her creations.
She seems to know each of her blogging friends so well...she knows what will light up their eyes.
Vintage Dutch girls...Wooden shoe just know it?

Sweet two-sided card to hang in my office year-round.

Bluebirds of Happiness...Baskets of Joy.

Detail of tiny bluebird.

A wee party bird for my Valentines Valentines.
(Kitty Luna knocked it over too many times this year.)

Have you ever heard a Cuckoo in the trees? 
They sound like the woods are full of clocks.

Little Swiss and German boys...remind me of a little boy who lived in my neighborhood.
His name was Andreas.  An adorable charmer...missing his two front teeth.
He was the naughtiest boy in Germany!
Thank you, Sweet Elizabeth!

A few of my pictures didn't turn out like I wanted...but I hope I did okay.  I am so grateful for the little things you do to brighten my words are inadequate.


  1. Oh Shirley! I also need to get busy with my Valentine post!!!! I have to take photos, it has been gray and rainy, not good light, but it should be sunny for a few days....:) You received so many wonderful gifts!!!! Chris did a fantastic job with the swap!!! That "Z" and "A" are to die for! Love them!!!! Thanks for signing up for the will be really fun! Sandy

  2. Yes, Chris's heart looks like "vintage hollywood glam"! It's fantastic! Not surprised at all with all of Tammy's amazing paper crafts! Man she's good! And E sent you such personl, special, little things!
    Is it just me or was this Valentine's Swapping season extra good? lol
    Erica :)

  3. Wow, what Valentine goodies and prettiness!! Such talent these sweet ladies have!!! Love the Z and A letters!! xo Heather

  4. So many pretty Valentines!! Your Z and A are so fun and cute!! :) xx Holly

  5. I can't decide what I LOVE the most! Oh my, such talent and LOVE sent your way!

  6. You dear one are so easy to share with because you show yourself to us in yhour blog. I'm so happy that you love your clown, I knew he was yours the minute I saw him!

  7. Shirley, So glad you enjoyed your Valentine goodies!!

    Hugs, Chris

  8. Nope! You're not the last. I've yet to post mine! Fun stuff- these swaps! ♥

  9. That LACE, oh that gorgeous lace around that heart, I love it!

  10. That was a great swap and what a pretty valentine your received!
    Also sweet gifts from other blogging friends! It's so nice to be loved.

  11. Hi Shirley! Thanks for stopping by to say hi on my blog! I'm excited to be part of a swap again - it's been awhile for me! I love your valentine swap gifts - very cute!

  12. Oh Shirley, all so lovely and the ZA are amazing!! Happy Valentines my friend!

  13. Hi Shirley,
    What a cheery post. I love all your darling Valentines. They represent the warmth of family and good friends. What a treasure trove of wonderful keepsakes and reminders of your dear blogging buddies.
    I am so excited to have just signed in to join the Easter/Spring Swap. It is my first time to take part and I am looking forward to creating something fun.
    I hope you have a delightful Valentine's Day, my sweet friend!
    Carolynn xoxo

  14. How wonderful! I always wish I was talented enough to take part! I always love seeing your lovely creations! Happy Valentines day my friend!

  15. Oh my gosh is your Valentine box ever wonderful! The ZA letters are so special. I'm so glad you like your Valentines. I can't think of Germany without thinking of you! Elizabeth


I'm always so glad to hear from you. =D